An AI created video featuring a kaleidoscope effect

We utilize AI technology to create amazing, branded video experiences at events that guests love to share!  Take your event to the next level with these fun videos.

Kaleidoscope Dreams

AI segmentation isolates the subject, cuts them out of the background, multiplies the subject and places in a geometric pattern over top an animated pattern.

We have been taking advantage of AI technology to easily remove and replace backgrounds from images, to segment subjects from the image and perform specific edits.

The Myth – The Legend

We use AI segmentation to separate the subject from the background, apply an outline around the subject, add a graphic background, then add some animated graphics all set to audio.

Photo of a barber that has been cut out using AI segmentation.
AI generated video from a photo booth

Thrill your guests with the unexpected and create videos worthy of sharing on social.

Inspirational Overlay

This one is “fairly” simple.  We use AI segmentation to isolate the subject, remove the background and place a semi transparent overlay on top all set to audio.